World Bee Day

Date of World Bee Day

Wednesday, 20 May 2020 is the date of World Bee Day 2020. Bee Day celebration raises awareness about the threats to pollinators like bees by human activities.
In December 2017 UN approved this day and the First World Bee Day was celebrated on Sunday, 20 May 2018.

Why this date?

On this date, 20 May, the pioneer of beekeeping Anton Janša was born in 1734 in Slovenia.

Purpose Of World Bee Day

The purpose of the bee day is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem.
The UN Member States approved Slovenia’s proposal to proclaim 20 May as World Bee Day in December 2017.

Theme of World Bee Day

“Save the Bees” is the theme of World Bee Day 2020.
By this theme, the United Nations has stressed upon the protection of bees, other pollinators and their habits


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